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Beard, J. C. Cass County in the World War 1917-1918-1919. Page 42. (Atlantic, Iowa: December 1919) Internet Archive
( : accessed 28 June 2014)


William Sherman Beebe Wiota

Corporal, Motor Transport Corps; born Jan. 26, 1890; entered service Sept. 6, 1917; stationed at Ft. Logan, Colo., and Madison Barracks, N.Y.; discharged March 22, 1919; son of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Beebe.

Carl F. Beebe Wiota

Seaman, U.S.N.; born April 30, 1899; entered service April 24, 1917; stationed at Great Lakes Naval Station, Brooklyn Barracks, on U.S.S. St. Paul and U.S.S. Tidewater; twelve months in European waters; discharged February, 1919; son of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Beebee.